Emergency Preparedness & Fire Safety

Capital Health's Emergency Preparedness and Fire Safety team provide information, training and supervision on fire prevention, emergency preparedness, heliport and helipad operations.


As Capital Health staff you are responsible to know:

  • Specific fire alarm procedures for your building or unit
  • Where the fire alarm pull stations are and how to use them
  • Your building or unit's primary and alternate evacuation routes and exits
  • Where the fire extinguishers on your floor are and how to use them
  • What the Emergency Voice Code announcements mean and what your role is when you hear them
  • How and when to evacuate an area and how to move patients in patient care areas
  • What to do if you discover a fire
  • Capital Health's smoking policy
  • How to report fire safety hazards

Fire Wardens

Fire Wardens are Capital Health staff trained to take charge and make sure everyone gets out during fire drills and alarms. You don’t have to be a Fire Warden to take Fire Warden training. We encourage all staff members to take this training so they will be familiar with Capital Health’s expectations for response to emergencies. If you are or become a Fire Warden, it is important that you maintain a good knowledge of your roles and responsibilities. An annual refresher of the Capital Health program may be arranged by contacting the Emergency Preparedness and Fire Safety Department.

Fire Prevention

Fire prevention and safety is the responsibility of everyone who works or volunteers at Capital Health. If you see something that may be a fire hazard tell your department head or supervisor. If corrective measures are not taken, please notify the Emergency Preparedness and Fire Safety Department.

Basic Emergency Preparedness - Preparing you and your family

Being prepared for an emergency is the best way to make sure you and your loved ones remain safe. These three simple steps can help you prepare for all types of emergencies.

Know the Risks

Although the consequences of disasters can be similar, knowing the risks specific to your community and your region can help you better prepare.

Make an Emergency Plan

Every household shuold have an emergency plan. It will help you and your family know what to do if disaster strikes. With today’s busy schedule, it’s likely that you may not be with your loved ones when an emergency happens. Complete a personal preparedness plan, discuss it with your loved ones and make sure everyone has a copy. Then carry it with you wherever you go. It’s that simple.

Get a Kit

A family preparedness Go Kit is really a bag or a box of supplies that can help you or your family survive for a time during an emergency or a disaster. When something bad happens, it's the expectation of our local, provincial, and federal governments that we can actually survive on our own for a limited time, usually 72 hours. This allows the government to send supplies and resources to areas of greatest need.