Recognition Resources and Tools

Management: How to recognize staff, physicians, volunteers and learners

When staff completes this form about recognition preferences, managers will be better able to recognize staff in the way they want to be recognized.


The FISH Philosophy has nothing to do with fish. It is a way of life that is based on a set of four, simple, interconnected principles that everyone can tailor to their own life and work - play, make their day, be there, and choose your attitude. Capital Health Libraries have materials.

  • Be there - Be fully engaged, invite new opportunities and share experiences.
  • Choose your attitude - You choose how you react to life’s situations.
  • Make their day - Lend a helping hand, give a word of support or simply listen.
  • Play - A state of mind that brings energy to tasks and sparks creativity.

Further Readings

This section provides additional recognition suggestions, articles, research or books.