Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists work at most sites within Capital health. These therapists work in both mental health and physical medicine settings. Therapists/assistants work with inpatients and outpatients in a number of different practice areas including musculoskeletal, neurology and medicine. Occupational therapists working for Capital Health must be registered with the College of Occupational Therapy of Nova Scotia.
Occupational Therapy is a profession which has occupation (meaningful daily activities) as its cornerstone. Occupation is used in a therapeutic manner to develop, restore, maintain or enhance a client’s ability to safely and effectively perform self-care, productivity or leisure activities. Occupational Therapists offer a broad range of client-centered screening, assessment and intervention services to individuals and groups of all ages.
How to Refer
Occupational Therapists are primary care professionals (just like doctors and dentists) and this means you can go directly to an occupational therapist. In some circumstances, you may be asked to provide a doctor's referral.